My healer experience is very unique. Since childhood I was able to predict disasters, or have sudden visions of events happening in different parts of the globe. Then one day I contacted a trusted psychics and related my experiences, they told me that from then on my destiny would be to become a healer. I've begun my journey and now hope to share my knowledge with you.
Previously I'v been working as a Excecutive Menu Design Chef at one of well-knownm copany in US for years. I was travel around nation wide, overseas. My clientele included the Japanese Prime Minister, the Japanese Emperor, the USA government authorities on the way to business trip. I put all my energy into my job. It seems, life-everything was perfect for me at that time. One day, some of stress manifested through my health. For years I was struggle to get back who I am. I didn't believe nothing but myself and spirits. Fortunately, I could do the Reiki, the Card Reading and the Medium and these modalities healed my devastated situations. Here I am. Heal myself and heal others is my mission.
New Earth Psychic Fair @ Santa Monica : International meditation(April 4 & 5 2025)
New Earth Psychic Fair @ Santa Monica : International meditation foundation(May3,4)
Soul Search Psychic Expo@ Las Vegas : Palace station casino June 21,22)
TBD May 2025 Mindfullness Fair at Anaheim
Currently, I travel the most of weekend to attened Psychicn Healing Expo i.e. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Arizona, Hawaii and San Diego.
Self-contracted with medical related office including Hospice and provide Reiki, SRT, Tarot Reading, Lymphatic Drainage to support clients.
I joined a book called "Heart Whispers as a Co-Author and will be published, Amazon Best Seller. Link below.
YouTube interview/Heart Whispers allignment summit tsuki imie
Purchases-Please go to Reiki Class Site